Pure Sports Nutrition Performance+ Race Fuel

The New Zealand brand says its Performance+ Race Fuel can be used ‘as a sole source of fuel’ – which is to say it’s the only fuel you’d need on the bike to maintain optimal endurance.

And when you consider that an original GU energy gel has 22g, it becomes clear this drink packs a punch.

One 98g sachet has 90g of carbohydrate, which it suggests mixing with 450-750ml of water.

Performance+ Race Fuel’s potency is thanks to an ingredient called Cluster Dextrin, a complex carbohydrate manufactured from corn starch whose benefits include reduced fatigue and increased recovery.

‘The major contributing factor is the perception of fatigue, with studies reporting a reduced rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE),’ explains sports dietitian Conrad Goodhew, who helped to develop Race Fuel.

‘Whether that’s due to the reduced GI issues or the increased rate of glucose uptake into the bloodstream, or both, is yet to be determined.’

Race Fuel also contains sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium to keep you hydrated during even the most challenging events, and is unflavoured to combat the feeling of flavour fatigue common in latter stages of endurance events.

Au Pricing $65.99 (700g pouch), $9 (single sachet, 98g)
Website puresportsnutrition.com

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