Be at the top of your game by the time summer rolls around with this six-week training plan. Words: Michael Donlevy…
Do these stretch routines before and after you ride to improve performance and protect from injury Words Michael Donlevy Illustrations…
Leg compression, ice baths, protein shakes… there are plenty of suggestions for how to recover quicker from a hard ride….
A new study suggests concentrated weekend riding lowers the risk of heart disease Photo Danny Bird A burst of activity…
What impact does a break in training have? Photo Danny Bird OK, this study is based on marathon runners but…
Will running add strength and speed to your cycling or just undermine your performance on the bike? Cyclist finds out…
Get the benefits of functional strength training on the bike, not at the gym Photo Danny Bird It’s well documented…
A short sleep during the day can significantly increase reaction times and decision making Photo Danny Bird ‘I can’t translate…
Ten ingredients every cyclist should have in their kitchen cupboard Words MICHAEL DONLEVY Photography TAPESTRY Kitchen cupboards are often…
Is muscular inflammation post-exercise such a bad thing after all? Photo Danny Bird To quote a study on inflammatory…
Hong Kong is best known for food, shopping and nightlife – but Cyclist was thrilled to discover it has a…
A well-composed gravel bike that nudges into mountain bike territory Words Joseph Delves Photography Patrik Lundin Merida is among the…
The second Áspero has landed with a few key changes on the popular first generation Words and photography Jack Lynch…